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We bring the healing and medicinal properties of nature’s herbs to life!

Helping you become healthier and a better version of yourself.


Our Shilajit resin product uses 100%  pure authentic Shilajit

Full of Vitamins

Powerful Sea Moss Super Blends full of naturally occurring minerals and vitamins

Healthy Products

Supporting both mental and physical health i.e., reduced stress and boosting immunity

Our Teas

Life Seed Botanical Teas are Specifically Designed to Combat a Range of Health Issues

These are our herbal formulas specifically designed to support health and vitality. We know that herbs are our original medicine and have worked in helping humanity’s health for millennia. We want to bring the knowledge and wisdom of old back into the 21st century society and our way of life and make these amazing powerful formulas easy to implement into our busy lives.

Our teas once brewed, turn into beautiful natural tonics that we believe are elixirs of life and vitality. Don’t believe us? Try for yourself. We recommend 2-3 brews a day to feel invigorated and cleansed from the inside out.

Men's Testosterone Boost
Women's Health Boost
The Number 1 Supplement You Need In Your Life!

Want to start changing your health and therein change your life? We suggest you regenerate on the most fundamental level; cellular! Our sea moss blends are your ticket to vibrant health and well being. ENJOY!

Our Sea Moss

Life Seed Botanicals Seamoss Super Blends Help Boost Bodily Functions

Sea moss has that many incredible benefits you could fill an encyclopedia!

Sea moss consists of 92 of the body’s 102 minerals. It is incredible for your skin and for all organs in the body. This amazing source boosts gut health phenomenally. Consequently, it is a great source of energy and is full of micronutrients, minerals, and vitamins.

You will find intuitively how your body will begin to crave sea moss once you begin as it gages, in its eternal wisdom; how vital it is!

Some benefits include:

Our sea moss is blended with different botanicals that are designed to complement the function of the sea moss and bring its very own benefits to the blends fortified with powerful and vibrant flavours that pack a nutritional punch!

Sea moss generally doesn’t taste great! But let’s be honest – what healthy food does? However, we have managed to blend this in such a way that they are extremely palatable because of the brilliant and powerful botanicals we pack in.

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